Haters gonna hate.

The phrase may be a cliché, but most clichés are overused for a reason: they’re true. Haters are always going to be waiting on the sidelines with their arms cocked, ready to throw their 2 cents in your face whether you asked for it or not. If you’re going to embark on an adventure that goes against the grain or isn’t quite traditional, naysayers are an unfortunate part of the package.

I learned that lesson very quickly when I began this journey. I’ve had a passion for fitness and health my entire life. When I turned my attention towards living a toxin-free lifestyle and decided to build a business around it, I received a surprising amount of push-back from those around me. It came in the form of backhanded compliments and “curiosity” but what I heard more often than not was negativity and closed-mindedness.

“When did you become such a hippie?”

“Everything causes cancer nowadays, why bother?”

“You’re going to die eventually, just eat and do what you want!”

“I don’t think this business with be anything but a hobby for you.”

“Do you really expect it to support you?”


In the beginning, hearing these things stung. I wasn’t sure how to respond in a way that would express my passion for what I was doing. With time, something changed within myself. I started to see what my family’s future will be like if I stay true to my dreams. It’s beautiful. And it’s achievable. With that clear vision my posture changed, too. When I hear these things now, I can smile and respond with confidence. I’m able to stand tall knowing who I am and that what I’m doing matters.

Everyone should be able to live their dream, no matter what that means. Settling for anything less is a waste of what you were put on this earth to do. So, I’m going to put my whole heart into my passion and run towards my goals. The people that are meant to be on this journey with me be there running with me. I’ve seen first hand that this business fosters relationships and brings wonderful people together. I’ve found my tribe and I’m sticking with them.

And as for everyone’s 2 cents? I’m pocketing it and taking it to the bank. (;



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